Tools for marketers

Spreadsheet Icon

Spreadsheet Stac

This ChatGPT extension is an expert in spreadsheet formulas, macros, and pivot tables.

Build macros in Excel
Set up pivot tables
Easily run VLOOKUPs
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Metrics Icon

HubSpot Tag Builder

Setting up HubSpot and Google Tag Manager? Generate the code you'll need in Tag Manager with this tool.

Instantly generate Tags, Triggers, and Variables
Generate scripts with custom HubSpot form properties
Step-by-step installation instructions
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SQL icon

SQL Stac

This ChatGPT extension is a friendly SQL expert for intermediate users.

Improve SQL queries
Write queries for BI tools from scratch
Debug SQL queries
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How to integrate HubSpot and Google Tag Manager the right way
December 4, 2023

How to integrate HubSpot and Google Tag Manager the right way

A step-by-step explanation for setting up HubSpot and Google Tag Manager so that your form data tracking is accurate and reliable.

How to build a multi-step HubSpot form for non-HubSpot websites
December 4, 2023

How to build a multi-step HubSpot form for non-HubSpot websites

Creating a seamless, multi-step form using HubSpot for websites built on a CMS other than HubSpot can be a bit tricky, but with the right approach, it's absolutely achievable. In this post, we'll show you how to do it. 

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